Patient Information
Before scheduling an appointment, please review our policies and form documents available online. This will help make your visit as easy and convenient as possible.

Preparing for Your First Visit
The first time you visit our office you will be seen by one of our Practitioners. If you had any previous diagnostic testing performed, you may be asked to bring a copy of your test results or x-ray films with you. A complete medical history and thorough physical exam will be performed. The diagnosis will be discussed with you and treatment options will be reviewed. If further testing is required, this will be ordered or scheduled for you. After your consult, if surgery is indicated our surgical scheduler will meet with you to discuss possible surgical dates. If additional testing or consult from another specialist is required, you may be asked to return for a follow-up appointment in order to determine the best treatment for you.
We strive to educate our patients about their diagnosis and what treatments are available. In doing so, this will help you make the best decisions for your health. We encourage your questions and will give you as much information as you need so that you will know what is expected concerning your own situation.
Suggestion: If you are coming to our office for a vein screening or a venous doppler, wear shorts or a skirt.
Patient Forms and Practice Policies
Find Great Lakes Surgical’s New Patient Info, including policies and patient forms, by clicking the button below. On that page, you will be able to print our New Patient Information, History and Physical, HIPAA and other first appointment forms.
Please review and complete the required documents and bring them with you to your appointment. Don’t forget to also bring your insurance card(s) and identification.
Our doctors and staff are always available to assist you with any of your questions. We pride ourselves on patient satisfaction and welcome any comments, questions or suggestions.

Better Health Care is Our Mission
Same Day Appointments are Available.
Lockport Address:
160 East Ave.
Lockport, NY 14094
Kenmore Address:
2914 Elmwood Ave.
Kenmore, NY 14217
Appointments in Kenmore Office available by request